PC Miler / McLeod mileage issues

Creation date: 11/13/2020 8:16 AM    Updated: 11/13/2020 8:16 AM

Action Resources McLeod users:




If you are getting this error on orders / move mileage lookups.



It is because PC Miler is more strictly evaluating Zip codes now.  To resolve the issue from the order screen, right click on the location id


And then click on the Location entry option.  That will take you to the location entry screen so you can update the zip using google.


Click on Update



Then on the google button



In this instance I had already changed this one, but here it what it was before.



But the system will do a lookup in Google and you can verify the information.  Typically you will need to update the zip.


Once you do that.  You have go back to the order.  Change the location code to any other location code.  Then change it back to the original code and that will update the information on the order to be correct and mileages should start calculating.