(TMS2) Order did not create from: Saas Transportation

Creation date: 2/14/2019 4:25 PM    Updated: 2/14/2019 4:25 PM

This is the error we see on the load tender record for shipment ID # SA506235, “An error occurred during order creation: javax.jms.JMSException: Error broadcasting changes - please restart your LoadMaster application.  Probable cause is that the application server has been restarted or that you have lost network connectivity. [SQLSta”.


1.      **** This error message indicates there was an issue with broadcasting over the network.


2.     ****  When a network broadcasting issue occurs, we recommend restarting the EDI Processes (EdiAutoInbound, EdiAutoOutbound, EdiAutoOutbound_TMS2, and EdiCommOut).

a.       Please wait 30 second after stopping the EDI processes before restarting them to ensure they have come to a complete stop.


b.       Then, restart the Outbound processes first, restarting the Inbound processes last.


3.      **** Next, go into the load tender in your View Load Tender screen on the Load Tender Information Tab. Click on the “Make Order” Button at the top of this screen to create the order.
